Angel Biscuits

In search of…..the perfect biscuit.

I found recipes.  I tested them.  I made notes on each version of what to tweak next time.  Then I realized that I had no time to keep testing before I posted for today.  I knew I wanted to post a biscuit recipe since it’s National Biscuit Month in September, but how to do that when I was out of time?

And then I thought, “Hey, what about Angel Biscuits like the ones I used to make when Rick and I first got married?”

But crud…..I’m on vacation and my recipe is at home in a recipe box.  Well, let’s go ask the Google.

And, y’all, I literally just clicked on the first recipe that came up.

Trisha Yearwood’s Angel Biscuits.

Sure….okay…let’s try this one.  Bit different than what I remember, but whatever.

(Keep in mind that, at this point, I’m just thinking this recipe will “have to do” for National Biscuit Month until I can find the ultimate recipe through more testing.)

So I make this recipe for my family (and some visiting family) and hope for the best.

And that’s exactly what I got.  THE BEST.

Responses from family members…and I quote:


     Bojangles has nothing on this biscuit!

     This is the best biscuit I’ve ever had!

     I just found my new happy place!

How serendipitous!  I find the ultimate recipe while thinking I’m just going to “make do” with plain old Angel Biscuits.

Well, these are not like the ones I used to make (although those were mighty good).  These are, well, incredible.  They took a little longer with rise time, but they are SOOOOO worth it!

Try ’em out and let me know what you think.

Angel Biscuits
Serves 12
Delicious, layery, buttery Southern goodness.
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Total Time
2 hr
Total Time
2 hr
  1. 5 cups flour
  2. 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  3. 1 tsp. baking soda
  4. 1 tsp. salt
  5. 5 Tbsp. sugar (divided)
  6. 1/4 cup warm water (90-100 degrees F)
  7. 1/2 ounce active dry yeast (2 pkg)
  8. 1 cup salted cold butter, diced (2 sticks)
  9. 2 cups buttermilk
  10. 4 Tbsp. melted butter
  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and 3 Tbsp of the sugar.
  2. In a small bowl combine the yeast, sugar, and water. Stir this until the yeast dissolves and set it aside. Let stand for a few minutes until bubbles appear.
  3. Add the cold diced butter to the flour mixture and toss with hands. Use a pastry cutter to break up the butter and cut it into the flour. Stop when you have pea-sized chunks of butter mixed in with the flour.
  4. Add the buttermilk and the yeast mixture to the flour/butter mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon until it’s mostly combined. It will probably be pretty crumbly looking.
  5. Turn out onto a very lightly floured surface and knead until the dough comes together (no more than about 15 times). Place back in bowl, cover with plastic wrap or a clean dish towel, and allow to sit and rise for about an hour.
  6. When you’re ready to cut the biscuits, preheat your oven to 425 degrees F.
  7. Dump the dough onto a lightly floured surface again. Press the dough out to about 1-1.5″ thick. Fold over onto itself and press out again. Repeat this technique 3 times. Then press out to desired thickness (I like 1-1.5″).
  8. Using a floured biscuit cutter, cut out your biscuits making sure NOT TO TWIST the cutter. Just go straight down and back up again. Place cut biscuits in a 9×13-inch pan or large cast iron skillet that has been brushed with some of the melted butter.
  9. Do not just smush together the leftover biscuit dough for cutting more biscuits. Repeat the whole press/fold technique each time you need to recut.
  10. Brush the tops of the melted butter (save some for when they come out of the oven).
  11. Bake for 18-22 minutes or until the tops are a golden brown. Brush with melted butter and enjoy!
Mormon Mavens

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