To Bridle

I was reading an article the other day entitled “Bridle All Your Passions.”  It was interesting to me to read about what that really means.  My first thought would be that I have to give up something, but that is not the case and that is not the purpose of a bridle.  I don’t ride horses, but I have friends who do.  I am sure they understand the importance and usefulness of the bridle they put on their horse.  Are you starting to get a feel for where this is going?
Elder David A. Bednar, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints quoted in this article: 
“We are told to bridle all our passions, not to suppress or kill all our passions.  Controlling our emotions and desires does not mean to stamp all of them out because they are all bad.  Just as we bridle animals because they are useful and helpful, we bridle our passions so that we control them and allow them to serve a higher purpose.”
I really like that.  We all have things that we are passionate about that are good things or better things or best things.  I am passionate about de-cluttering and organizing.  That can go two ways.  I can either go bonkers and organize every “jot and tittle” of my home or I can take some of that energy and help a friend who might be drowning in clutter or laundry or paper or whatever.  
What we must learn to do is harness the passions and energy in our life and make them work 
 for our good, as well as for the good of others.
Source:  David A. Bednar


Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman? Can I?

I’ve been thinking a lot about goal and resolutions lately.  No, not just in the last few days–in the last few months, even years with some of them.  But with my history, I can sometimes be hesitant to set goals.

Why?  Well, I suppose I either aim too high and then can’t reach the goal or I lack the drive to get there or my whole plan is just flawed.  I don’t know.

But this feels different.

I guess because I’ve been thinking it over for so long.  That’s typically how I can tell that I’m on to something.  On to something for me, anyway.

And since this has been on my mind and heart for so long I feel like it is something I need to approach differently.  I mean, if my success with goals in the past has been mediocre then shouldn’t I change the approach?  Doing things the same way all the time and then expecting different results is a recipe for uber frustration, right?

Pinning ideas, graphics, articles for inspiration for becoming more like the Proverbs 31 woman

So, anyway, this Proverbs 31 woman.  She’s amazing.  And I want to be like her.  But how?  I’ve been reading great blog posts and articles about how others have interpreted her characteristics, and that has helped a lot.  I’ve pondered it myself, reading and rereading the passage, and have taken a few notes.  But it seems pretty overwhelming.

And then I thought of it.  I will take her and dissect her into 12 months and then I will work on one thing every month and divide each month into subcategories and by the end of the year I will be perfect and wait a minute this is the same old plan I always do when I try a goal and overreach and so I better not do it this way.

<screeching halt>

No.  For me, this year, I have to do this differently.  I can’t approach this like a science.  I need inspiration.  I need guidance.  I need advice from One who knows me a lot better than I do and knows exactly what I need to work on and when.

So, this year’s efforts will be different.  This year I am going to feel what I need to work on first.  And that takes thought, introspection, pondering, prayer.  Not a formula, not a checklist, not a spreadsheet.  Not the same old way (that never really worked for me anyway!).

I’ve already picked 3 small, measurable, attainable goals to work on in relation to my Proverbs 31 project.  They are personal, but I will share one of them–have a devotional study time every single day of 2015–no excuses, no misses.

The other two are related to a characteristic of the P31 woman that I feel like I am supposed to work on now.   When I feel it’s the right time, I’ll move on to another couple of things.  And I’m totally okay if this whole P31 thing takes more than the number of days 2015 has to offer me.  In fact, I am kind of expecting that to be the case.

And that’s okay.

To paraphrase a favorite poem:

Little by little,
Day by day,
Julie and flowers
Grow that way.

What are your goals?  Do you feel like you should change your approach to achieving your goals? 

Keeping it Simple at Christmas

Christmas time! Oh what a wonderful time of year. But why does it seem that our list of “To-Do’s” gets larger and we seemed more rushed to get the decorations up, the presents bought and wrapped, the certain foods made, the cookies delivered, etc, etc?
I am really trying to keep things simple in my life and to let go of what is superficial and, in the grand scheme of things, unimportant.
I love seeing beautifully decorated houses down to the table runner and goblets on the perfectly set table. Or the mantle decked out with all manner of color coordinated candles and ribbons and pine garland. I have dreams of buying and even making my own decorations to beautify my home during the holiday season. However, I am learning to give up on what I feel are society’s expectations of me as a home maker during the holidays. I have mismatched Christmas decorations that are mostly gifts from when I was a teacher. 
One thing I have done, is sewn handmade stockings for each member of my family. However, I still have some finishing touches to add to them, as well as my own stocking to make. A few Christmases have passed and I still don’t have mine made. I am to a point where I am okay if another year passes and it is not made. 
We recently returned from a trip to Hawaii. It was lovely. It was relaxing. It was calming. I know that Christmas is only a couple of weeks away, but I am feeling more calm and less stressed about getting “everything” done that I feel needs to be done. I am safe home with my children around me and that is what is most important to me!
While we were gone, I had my sister help make sure that Eve did her homeschooling. Everyday, Eve has a journal entry to fill in. Here is one that she did while I was gone. I was so happy and so touched when I read what she wrote and saw the picture that she drew. For a 6 year old girl whose Christmas list keeps growing, it was a bit surprising that she didn’t talk about the presents or the advent calendar or the tree or the decorations or Santa. 
Because really the meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We are blessed to have the knowledge of our Savior and to have this time to reflect on the gift Heavenly Father has given us. 

“When we keep the spirit of Christmas, we keep the Spirit of Christ, for the Christmas spirit is the Christ Spirit. It will block out all the distractions around us which can diminish Christmas and swallow up its true meaning.” -Thomas S. Monson

So, let us take a deep breath, don’t worry about having the perfect decorations, don’t rush around like a mad person trying to buy presents or cook gourmet food. Let us stop, slow down, simplify, and cut out the worldly distractions. Let us celebrate the Spirit of Christ this Christmas season.

We Are Capable of So Much More

It feels like I have spent a lot of time in my life just going through motions and living on the surface.  That is why the following comments struck home to me.  I should know better.  I have a divine lineage that sets me up to be so much more capable than I am on so many days.  Those darn natural man Goliaths can wreak havoc with even the best of us on days when we are doing the best, the very best we can.

“In the absence of a compelling testimony, some have let their daily
thoughts and actions become so focused on the things of the world that they
have minimized the influence of the light of the gospel in their everyday

“And then as Elder Neal A. Maxwell has so eloquently
described, also included are those ‘ “honorable” members who
are skimming over the surface instead of deepening their discipleship and
who are casually engaged rather than “anxiously engaged” (D&C
76:75; 58:27)’ (in Conference Report, Oct. 1992, 89; or Ensign, Nov.
1992, 65). . . .

” . . . President Gordon B. Hinckley . . .
said: ‘I have been quoted as saying, “Do the best you can.”
But I want to emphasize that it be the very best. We are too prone to be
satisfied with mediocre performance. We are capable of doing so much
better’ (“Standing Strong and Immovable,” Worldwide
Leadership Training Meeting, 10 Jan. 2004, 21).”

( Elder Donald L. Staheli, “Securing Our Testimonies,” Ensign, Nov. 2004, 37)

So, take comfort in the tender mercies of the Lord as we use daily repentance and trust in His atonement.  Jeffrey R. Holland said, “Surely the thing God enjoys most about being God is the thrill of being merciful, especially to those who don’t expect it and often feel they don’t deserve it.”


I am so so so so so tired.  In fact I believe this is the most tired I have been in a long time.  I have a almost 5 month old who has been waking me up every 1 1/2 to 2 hours at night, a 3 and 5 year old who are up at 6:00 a.m. everyday, a 10 year old who somehow can’t fall asleep until 10:00 p.m. every night despite the fact that I want to be in bed and asleep at 9:00, and last but not least I have a brain that won’t let me fall asleep when I can sleep because it keeps going over all the things I need to be doing.  We are getting ready for a move across the country and every time I start working on something for the move a child needs something from me that keeps me from getting what I need to do done.  In fact right now it is 6:30 a.m. and I have been awake since 4. I have now told my 3 and 5 year old to stay in bed until the sun comes up at least 5 times and have tried to settle the baby back into sleep twice since I have began writing this blog post 30 minutes ago.  Right now being a mom feels like too much!  When the house is finally quiet at night I lay in bed and try to think if I have had more positives then negatives with my children that day.  Did I use every teaching moment?  Did I snap at them when they were doing nothing wrong?  Did I talk kindly to them?  Did I love them enough?  

What can I do to make things right?  Last night as I was thinking and praying about all of this a song from my childhood came into my mind, it is titled Four Hugs a Day by Charlotte Diamond.  The song starts out with the lyrics:

Nobody gets enough hugs a day
‘Cause the minimum number is four
Now if you haven’t got Four hugs today
Then you better get some more….

As I laid in bed thinking about this song I decided that today my goal would be to give my children at least 4 hugs each.  If all else fails today, if I go to bed tonight completely exhausted, if I didn’t get any packing done and my kids have only eaten macaroni from a box, at least I can say that I hugged them and maybe today that is enough.

Mommy’s Hug


My mommy baked a cake today,
But Mommy didn’t hug me.
She made some puppets for a play,
But Mommy didn’t hug me.
She washed the dishes, clothes, and walls.
She picked up papers, shoes, and dolls.
She made my lunch and answered calls …
But Mommy didn’t hug me.
When nap time came, she tucked me in,
But Mommy didn’t hug me.
She saw a tear run down my chin,
And then my mommy hugged me!
She tickled, kissed, and hugged me tight.
I hugged her back with all my might,
And that made everything all right.
I’m glad my mommy hugged me.
Who wouldn’t want to hug these cute kids!  Today is going to be a good day!

How’s Your “To Do” List?



I was scrolling through Facebook this afternoon at work, kind of filling in some time and I came across this video.  I want you to take 9 minutes and watch this, pay close attention to the boy’s prayer, and grab a tissue.  I will not even attempt to write any more about it.  You will understand why once you watch it.



Are you holding up an umbrella?

I got so many inspirational messages in last night’s General Women’s Meeting from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I especially loved the addresses of Sister Marriott and President Uchtdorf.  One thing he said stuck with me, and with many others I’m sure since a graphic depicting the message had already begun circulating only an hour or two after the talk.

President Uchtdorf said that sometimes we imagine that Heavenly Father has this store of blessings locked away with Him and that He will only send them down to us when we have done a list of certain things.  But President Uchtdorf said this is not true.  He said that Heavenly Father is constantly raining down blessings upon us but that we often block these blessings, not recognizing them, because of our own actions.

Image Credit:

This made me think of a few things.  First of all, it made me realize that Heavenly Father is indeed always trying and wanting to bless me.  He loves me.  Not just as one of billions of His children, but that He loves me uniquely and individually and really is interested in my happiness.  He knows my name and everything else about me.  He knows me better than I know myself and knows what blessings I need, not just the ones I may ask for.

Secondly, it made me think of all the blessings that I do receive but take for granted.  In a video presentation during the same meeting I noticed a woman walking to her front door.  Her door was made of just plywood, unpainted and unadorned.  This scene pierced my heart because I thought of how often I have complained about my house being too small, not pretty enough, etc.  I was humbled.  I need to be content with the blessings Heavenly Father has already granted me.

Lastly, I began to think of what I am doing to block the blessings my Heavenly Father is so earnestly trying to give me.  How is fear stopping me?  What doubts are blocking the blessings?  What sins are acting as an umbrella?  These are deep questions and ones that I need to ponder for a long time to figure out.  Deep questions require deep thought and meditation.  Once the answers are unearthed, deep commitment is then required.  This will be a long process for me, I am sure.

Are you holding up an umbrella?

Share Goodness


Here is a short video about using social media to flood the earth with goodness. 
I was recently contemplating deleting my FB account. Now I am considering how to better utilize my time and my influence on my FB page to #sharegoodness. 
I encourage you to watch this video and think about how you can share goodness with the world. 

What a Beautiful World

If you read my recipe posts you know I spend a lot of time on Pinterest.  Okay, maybe too much time.  But one thing I love about watching my Pinterest feed is seeing all the beautiful photos of places that people want to visit, want to duplicate with watercolors or oils, or just want to pin because of the beauty.  Our earth is truly a magnificent place.

Whenever I see gorgeous autumn color or a spectacular display of flowers or a rich sunset I almost always think how much our Heavenly Father loves us to have given us such a beautiful place in which to live.  My mother once told me that sometimes when she sees a beautiful scene she just says, “Thank you” as a little tiny prayer to Heavenly Father.

Communing with nature is such a powerful way of connecting with the divine.  Prayer and meditation are often best enjoyed in a quiet, majestic, natural place.  What a beautiful world we have–our hearts should be full of gratitude for the beauty of this place.

Live It Like The Stripling Warriors

My family has participated in an LDS outdoor drama for the past 6 years.  There are a couple of scenes from the Book of Mormon, one of which involves the stripling warriors–a group of 2,000 young men who were valiant and courageous.  The first couple of years we were in the pageant, my son Spenser was not tall enough to play the part of a warrior.  How blessed the day when he reached the height needed to play that part!  This is a picture from last year’s pageant.  Spenser is second one from the right.  He was much taller for the part this year!

From the Book of Mormon, the prophet Alma states, “Yea, and they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness.”  (Alma 57:21).  Is that not a mother’s dream come true for her children?

M. Russell Ballard:  “This was an extraordinary task for a group of 2,000 young men, but they were extraordinary young men.  According to the scriptural record:  “They were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.

“Yea they were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of God and to walk uprightly before him” (Alma 53:20-21)

The rest of the story tells how these young men fought valiantly against the much older and much more experienced Lamanite army.  Acccording to their leader, Helaman, “They….fought as if with the strength of God;….and with such mighty power did they fall upon the Lamanites, that they did frighten them; and for this cause did the Lamanites deliver themselves up as prisoners of war” (Alma 56:56)

Imagine that?  These inexperienced young men were so spiritually and physically prepared, and so powerful, that they frightened their foes into surrendering.  Although all 2,000 of the young men were wounded in battle at one time or another, not one was killed (see Alma 57:25).  Again quoting Helaman, “And we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous power of God, because of their exceeding faith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power” (Alma 57:26)

…today we are fighting a battle that in many ways is more perilous, more fraught with danger than the battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites.  Our enemy is cunning and resourceful.  We fight against Lucifer, the father of all lies, the enemy of all that is good and right and holy…

This isn’t a time for spiritual weaklings…As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I call upon you to begin right now—tonight—to be fully and completely worthy.  Resolve and commit to yourselves and to God that from this moment forward you will strive diligently to keep your hearts, hands, and minds pure and unsullied from any kind of moral transgression.”  (“The Greatest Generation of Missionaries.” Ensign, Nov 2002, 46)

Ezra Taft Benson:  “You are to be the royal army of the Lord in the last days.  You are “youth of the noble birthright.” (Hymn, 1985, no. 255)

In the spiritual battles you are waging, I see you as today’s sons of Helaman.  Remember well the Book of Mormon account of Helaman’s two thousand stripling warriors and how the teaching of their mothers gave them strength and faith.  These marvelous mothers taught them to put on the whole armor of God, to place their trust in the Lord, and to doubt not.  By so doing, not one of these young men was lost. (See Alma 53:10-23; Alma 56:41-56) (“To the ‘Youth of the Noble Birthright’,” Ensign, May 1986, 43)