Creamy Ham and Potato Soup

This is a great and easy recipe to use up your left over ham!  Enjoy

3 1/2 cups peeled and diced potatoes
1/3 cup diced celery
1/3 cup finely chopped onion (I like to use dried onions because lets face it chopping onions is no fun)
1/2 cup carrots, diced
1 cup cooked ham (I use ham steak)
3 1/4 cups chicken broth
salt and pepper to taste
5 tbls. butter
5 tbls. flour
2 cups milk

Combine potatoes, celery, onion, carrot, ham and chicken broth together in stockpot.  Bring to a boil then turn down heat to simmer until vegetables are tender.  Add salt and pepper.

In a separate saucepan, melt butter over medium-low heat.  Whisk in flour and cook stirring constantly until think (about 1 min).  Slowly stir in the milk and continue stirring over medium-low heat until thick (4-5 min).

Add the milk mixture to the stockpot.

Serve with grated cheese, chives, bacon etc.


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