Curried Walnut Couscous–redo

I got this recipe from a grocery store back in Florida. They had entire meals printed in color on nice card stock for people to collect. Anyway one of the meals featured this curried walnut couscous and it has been one of my absolute favorites ever since. My kids love it too (and make a giant mess when they eat it.)
 It is quick and simple and delicious
2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. curry powder
1/2 C. chopped walnuts (I use pecans in a pinch)
1 C. couscous
1 1/2 C. water
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 C. golden raisins (I have never made it with these)
Place butter, brown sugar, curry powder and walnuts in a medium saucepan. Cook 2-3 minutes over medium heat, stirring often until butter melts. 
Cook 2-3 more minutes, stirring constantly. 
Stir in remaining ingredients, heat and stir 2 more minutes. 
Cover and remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes. Fluff and serve. 


  1. Super B says:

    Yes Anna, it came from publix. Do you have those where you are? I got a bunch of those recipe cards and this is the only one I ever tried. That was years ago and we still love it though.

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