
I saw something like this last October passing by a Singles Ward Potluck.  “That’s too cool!”  I said to myself.  So here it is:  a simple spooky snack!

Pretzel Rods
Vanilla Almond Bark
1 T Crisco (vegetable shortening…not oil, butter or margarine.  It says so on the almond bark package =)
Green food coloring
Twizzlers Nibs

  1. Have a piece of wax paper ready on a cookie sheet or such. 
  2. Melt the candy coating and shortening using your preferred method (microwave/double boiler) and stir in a few drops of green food coloring to form a Frankenstein skin tone.
  3. Dip the pretzel rods into the candy coating, leaving about an inch or more for holding onto
  4. Lay the pretzel rod out on the wax paper to dry and immediately press 1 “Twizzlers Nibs” onto the end of the pretzel rod for the red fingernail.  Dry at room temperature or in the refrigerator.  

Enjoy…Mwaaa ha ha ha ha!


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