Hawaiian Haystacks

This recipe was originally published on August 4, 2011!! Probably one of our first ones and by our good friend, Kara.  Just thought it would be cool to pull this one out of the archives and share with you today.  This is a fun recipe to do if you want to really freak somebody out who is funny about mixing different foods together.  
This meal is fairly versatile. And when I say fairly, I mean EXTREMELY–making it easy to serve because there is something for everyone! You can make the really simplified version, or the harder version depending on your mood and/or time constraints.
I’ll give you the “hard” version–although I will tell you this: If it’s really THAT hard, I’m not going to do it. I have small children and, let’s face it, a lot of time could be wasted on dinner no one will eat. I like to feel appreciated at the end of a meal. 🙂 (What cook doesn’t?)
Look for substitutions at the end of the post to help you simplify, if needed.
4 Cups Cooked Rice
4 Cups Seasoned Chicken Broth (this can be canned or made from Bouillon)
1/3 Cup Cornstarch
1/4 Cup or less Cold Water
2 – 3 Cups Cooked, Shredded Chicken (sometimes I boil some chicken breasts or grill them on my panini maker.)
Salt and Pepper to taste
A variety of Veggies, etc. It comes down to what you have on hand. Mix and match, try this or that. Find YOUR favorites.
I recommend any of the following:
Peas (fresh or thawed frozen)
Green Peppers
Green Onions
Pineapple (Cubed Fresh or Canned Tidbits)
Slivered Almonds
Sunflower Seeds
Shredded Coconut
Sliced Water Chesnuts
Chinese Chow Mien Noodles
Grated Cheese
For the Sauce:
1. In a medium sauce pan, bring your chicken broth to a boil over medium-high heat. Because I use Bouillon to make my broth, I use 4 Cups water. (This is also when I start my rice, but you can start yours when it’s good for you.)
2. While you’re waiting for the broth to boil, combine the cold water and cornstarch in a small bowl with a lid. Shake it up till it’s a nice liquid consistency.
3. When boiling, add your Bouillon (if needed) and then whisk in your cornstarch mixture.
4. Whisk until thick and clear. Don’t worry too much if you feel like it’s not getting super thick. Sometimes mine is gravy-like. Sometimes it’s more soupy. Either way it tastes good so don’t sweat the small stuff!
5. Add your shredded chicken and stir till well combined. Add your salt and pepper, too. Keep warm over low heat, stirring occasionally.
6. Chop or de-can your sides. (Is de-can even a word? You all know what I mean, right? No? Okay, if you’re using canned fruit or veggies, get them out now)
7. Put each topping into an individual bowl.
8. To make your haystack, begin with rice and your soupy or gravy-like chicken sauce. Then go to town and add whatever suits your fancy! Or, if you’re like my #1 kiddo, just eat it as chicken and rice.


Cooked Chicken = 2 Cans of Cooked White Chicken Breast
OR if you’re running really low on time and need a good meal fast:
Chicken Sauce = 1 Can Cream of Chicken Soup (No lie! And it’s still tasty!)
Source: Janet Hales, From My House To Yours, Big Piney-Marbleton Communities 1995, Relief Society Cookbook

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