Hostess with the Mostess

As a child it was a good lunch day if my mom threw in a Hostess Cupcake into my lunch box. Those things are dangerous. I don’t buy them… because I know I’d eat every last one in about 2.4 seconds. So…if you love Hostess Cupcakes, you’re going to LOVE these! One thing, the icing on these is not very sweet. It balances the sweetness of the filling perfectly though. (If you want it sweeter, use milk chocolate chips).

Devil’s Food Cupcakes with Cream Filling and Whipped Chocolate Ganache Frosting 

Make your favorite chocolate cupcakes or prepare purchased cake mix. Let cupcakes cool.

Creme Filling 
1 – 7 oz container marshmallow cream
1/2 cup softened butter
1/3 cup powder sugar
1 tablespoon water
1/4 teaspoon salt

With electric mixer beat ingredients together until fluffy.  Fill the cupcakes with the filling. You can either use an apple corer and remove the center of the cupcake (that’s how I do it) or use a long filling tip to fill them.

Ganache Frosting 
12 oz semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup heavy cream

Place chocolate chips into a bowl and pour cream over the top. Heat in microwave until chips are soft. Allow mixture to sit a minute to continue melting the chips. Stir well. Let mixture come to room temperature. With electric mixer beat until fluffy. Fill pastry bag with large star tip and pipe onto cupcakes. Enough frosting and filling for 12-15 cupcakes depending on your frosting and filling style.

Seriously, how good does that look?!


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