Hot Cocoa Mix

This is a family must have and is so easy. Be creative – Sprinkle different flavors of the powdered creamers into individual servings (we like French Vanilla and Cinnamon). My favorite however, is melting a little bittersweet chocolate and drizzling it in – Yum! We use a a Cocoa-Motion to “whip” up a larger batch.

7 cups Instant Powdered Milk
2 cups nondairy creamer
2/3 cup granulated sugar
2 cups powdered sugar
1 cup unsweetened good quality cocoa (I use Guittard All Natural high fat – don’t notice that last word)

1. Mix all ingredients in large container with a whisk until well blended – You can also mix this in a 2 gal zippy bag that you shake.
2. Store in 2 gal zippy bag or other container – stores up to 9 months

To make individual cups:
1. 1/3 cup mix
2. 8 oz warm water
3. A titch of milk or cream
4. Stir and enjoy

Source: Adapted from a Family Recipe and Make a Mix


  1. Anne B. says:

    I'm always looking for a good hot cocoa mix since I'm a hot cocoa snob and have to have GOOD quality hot cocoa. Swiss Mix? I don't think so. 🙂

    Can't wait to try it, Jennie!

  2. Anne B. says:

    I'm always looking for a good hot cocoa mix since I'm a hot cocoa snob and have to have GOOD quality hot cocoa. Swiss Mix? I don't think so. 🙂

    Can't wait to try it, Jennie!

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