Be of Good Cheer

Did you know that there are 13 or more scripture references in the Scriptures (including the Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants) when the Lord counseled, “be of good cheer”?   All of those, to whom He gave this counsel, were in deep despair, danger or distress.  Sound familiar?  I suppose to some degree we have all felt despair, danger and/or distress in our lives.  And not to sound all gloom and doom, but there are a LOT of terrible things that happen every day in this world.  So “what is left to be cheerful about?”  

While reading a BYU women’s conference address given by Camille Fronk Olson, I was strengthened in my testimony of the role that our Savior, Jesus Christ, played in the plan of happiness.  He overcame the world!  And because He did, we are able to overcome the obstacles that we face every day.  As we put our faith in Him and recognize that He has suffered the despair and distress that we are facing, we can better understand that we not given trials so that we will suffer.  We are given trials so that we will learn.  So we will grow and become better people–more righteous sons and daughters of God.  

Sometimes we think, “If I can just get through this…I will be happy.”  A good friend of mine posted on Facebook yesterday, “Car a mess, computer a mess, waistline a mess, finances a mess, house a mess…..but with Jesus…no stress 🙂 He has it all under control!” Remembering that He is in control allows us to let go of our heartaches and be of good cheer now.   “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 



  1. Kelsey says:

    "Remembering that He is in control allows us to let go of our heartaches and be of good cheer now." –> I think a lot of our happiness in this world has to do with letting go of the things we can't control (laying things at the Lord's feet and pressing forward) and cheerfully working on the things we can, always with faith in Christ. Thank you for this wonderful reminder, Jamie! Man is that he might have joy!

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