God’s Perfect Love

This summer my brother-in-law was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma.  He went from healthy to almost dying in a matter of six weeks.   Aside from the cancer, there was complication after complication with his treatment.  As I struggled to understand why he and my sister were having to endure so much, I began to wonder whether they’d been forgotten.  After all, so many people were praying and fasting for them.  Why weren’t they getting any relief from their trials?
In September, with the support of my husband in the water, my brother-in-law was able to baptize his daughter.  Baptizing her was something he would not have been physically able to do the week before.  The spirit at the baptism was so strong and felt by everyone in attendance.  As we sang, I Feel my Savior’s Love, I felt the immense love our Heavenly Father has for them.  Trials do not mean that we’ve been forgotten.  Mortal life is full of tribulations and problems.  But that does not mean God doesn’t love us.  He is always there to love and support us in our afflictions.  I know his improvement in health was the Lord’s tender mercy–a result of faith and prayers offered on their behalf.
Another tender mercy was the birth of their son in November.  My brother-in-law was feeling the best he’s felt since his diagnosis at the time of his son’s birth.  Seeing him able to hold his newborn son was another confirmation of God’s love and His great plan for us.  I’m so grateful that families can be together forever
I love the new young women’s manual and all the media the church created to go along with the lessons.
This video, “He Knows Me” is about how to strengthen our relationship with God.  The better we know God the more likely we will be to recognize His hand in our lives and feel His love for us.

A free printable in honor of tomorrow’s holiday.  May we all remember that through prayer we can communicate with our Heavenly Father and feel the perfect love He has for each of us.

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