What Will You Give for Christ(mas)?

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  December seems to have flown by.  And now, I sit here at my computer wondering if I am ready.  There is so much to do.  Most treat plates have been delivered but a few remain to be handed out today.  We have the Mormon missionaries coming over for a Christmas Eve lunch and I have sourdough biscuits, sweet potato casserole, and dressing to prepare.  There’s cinnamon rolls to make tomorrow night for Christmas morning breakfast.  Oh, and the dog needs to go to the groomer’s tomorrow morning or she won’t be able to even see what’s in her stocking!  The Christmas presents are all wrapped and ready.  And I am so excited for the kids to see their gifts.

But after watching this video I wonder…..what did I give for the Savior?

Christmas is a wonderful time of year.  I look forward to it and relish every Christmas carol, every special Christmas movie, every gift that is made or purchased out of love and thoughtfulness.  But the real gifts of the season are the ones without a price tag.  The ones that come straight from the heart and cannot be wrapped. Those are the gifts that matter most.

And as the Christmas season winds down I find myself wishing that I had given more of those special gifts.  And I am a little sad that I didn’t do more.  But the good news is that Christmas really never ends!  I don’t have to feel sad about not doing enough this season because Christmas is really about love, and love is always in season.

I am reminded of one of my favorite Christmas songs….The Secret of Christmas.  It’s not very well known, but the message is beautiful and true:

May we all find ways to do those “Christmas things” well into the New Year and may those acts welcome in next year’s Christmas with the joy and happiness that come from serving Christ through serving others.

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