Pureed Fruit Muffin

School is starting and kids need a good healthy breakfast to get the day started right!  This muffin recipe and a smoothie is a great way to get your kids the nutrition they need. The kids love it, in fact my 9 year old son can make it himself!  It is healthy, vegan, and YUMMY!

Pureed Fruit Muffins

1/2 c. coconut oil (you can use butter but I like coconut oil better)
3/4 c. dark brown sugar (or sucanat)
1 c. pureed fruit (fresh or bottled)
1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
1 t. soda
1/2 t. salt

Mix all ingredients together and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Note: Some fruit suggestions are: applesauce, apples, bananas, peaches, and pineapple.  I also will add spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and ginger.  This recipe is very forgiving so play with it and find what your family loves.  Enjoy!

Source: Annie Miller


  1. Brianne says:

    Audrey, thank you for this recipe! My daughter has some food sensitivities and is picky as well. I am always worried about getting her to eat healthy food. I have been making these with applesauce, blueberries, spinach, and black beans as the pureed part. I grate in apples and zucchini and add some cinnamon and vanilla extract. It has become a joke about how much I add to them. My daughter loves them and I feel better knowing she is getting fruit, veggies, and a little protein. Thanks again!

  2. barrettandaudrey says:

    I usually use fruit (especially my fruit that is a bit too ripe) I put in the blender. If you need liquid to blend it with melt your butter/coconut oil and use that. You could also use applesauce, mashed bananas, or left over squash/sweet potatoes if you don't want to blend something. Does this answer your question?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I've whipped these up twice this week already. I used pureed apples with the skins on and shredded zucchini in place of fruit. They had different textures but were both amazing! I love that these are super simple and I can even make them when I'm out of eggs. Thanks for the great recipe!

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