“Angels, shepherds, and Wise Men sought and found peace from their faith in Jesus Christ. So will you. The Savior’s birth is the gift that makes it possible for the Father to give us ‘peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.'”
—President Henry B. Eyring, First Presidency’s Christmas Devotional
A friend recently sent to me a copy of a talk entitled “Peace in this Life”, by Henry B. Eyring. What a timely message this is. Our world is in turmoil; oftentimes our personal lives are extremely challenging for many reasons, both within our control and not so much. But amidst whatever trials, challenges, another’s choice that affects our lives, or influences that can impact us on a global level, we can find peace. That one word means so much. Where can we turn for peace? We turn to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate this month. The following quote from this talk was very meaningful to me, as I had just prayed that improving my relationship with my Savior would strengthen me on those days that are especially trying. I hope it helps you and gives you some direction during a difficult time.
“It is only through following the Savior that any of us can find peace and serenity in the trials that will come to all of us.”
And it just now occurred to me that we should remember that our relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as our Heavenly Father, can make the good days even sweeter. They aren’t just there for us on the rough days.
Image from LDS.org.