Thanksgiving Egg Gravy

This is a family recipe from my Great-Grandmother Nanny past down to her daughter, my Grandmother Josephine, past down to her daughter my mom Jacqueline, past down to her daughter..Me.  My Grandmother Josephine was born and raised on a farm in the countryside of North Carolina.  Her father was a tobacco farmer and her mother tended to the children, the farm and cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner! (from scratch of course!)  This recipe was part of my favorite meal of the year!  I looked forward to this all year long.  I love food and appreciated the work that went into making this. I was allowed to help when I was around the age of 10.  My mom and grandmother would cook all day long.  They had to cook a lot of food because all of my Grandmother Josephine’s siblings and their children and their children’s children would end up at her house to eat every Thanksgiving.  So she fed roughly 30 people at one time. She even had pies, and cakes. Looking back now, I don’t know how she did it.!  We ate in shifts with her best china, silver and crystal.  (I loved that and wasn’t allowed to wash them until I was in high school!)  The men went first, then the kids, then the moms. Funny how I didn’t think about that then.  But, it’s pretty typical for a mom to eat last, huh?  The “shifts” would eat, the dishes were washed and then the next shift began.  The picture above is from this weekend.  My husband can’t travel home with us for Thanksgiving.  So, we cooked an early Thanksgiving meal for him. This was yummy.  In the picture, (not my best china obviously) you can see the Egg Gravy, the Turkey, and the Dressing.  (The dressing is stuffing patted out in a cookie sheet and cut into squares.  Good Stuff.)  But the Egg Gravy is what we are talking about now.  It is really easy and so good. And you know, its taste is not “eggy”. Its just good stuff.  Real comfort food and I love it.  I really do.  I love it.  Not just the taste of it, but my heart loves this treasured memory of my grandmother’s recipe. 

1 32oz carton of Chicken Broth
1 32oz carton of Chicken Stock, OR use your drippings from your turkey!
1 dozen Eggs, hard boiled (you don’t have to use this many eggs. but we like them so we use a dozen)
3-4 Tbs. Flour

Hard boil the eggs. Peel them and slice them. In a big stock pot add the chicken broth and the chicken stock.  Cook over med-high heat.  Go ahead and add the flour before it gets to hot and you can’t break up the lumps.  Add 3TBS in and whisk until all lumps are dissolved.  If you want the gravy thicker add more flour.  then bring it to a boil lower the heat to med-low and add the eggs.  Cook for about 30 minutes.  Stir frequently so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pot.  Then serve over your dressing and turkey.  It’s a southern delicacy!  Happy Thanksgiving!

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