Understanding our Part

So lately I have been plagued with thoughts that I don’t play a big part in God’s kingdom. Thoughts that I am not making a difference, that I am not a part of huge changes taking place. The reason, I believe, for most of these thoughts is the recent Special Broadcast: The Work of Salvation that the church presented back in June. See, the wards that were highlighted in the video with Elder Anderson were in the stake we lived in previously in Tampa. And actually, one of the wards was the ward in which I was the young women’s president. My husband was a High Council member that served in the other ward that was highlighted. I knew almost every person in that video. It was awesome! However, I felt a bit of sadness when I realized that I am no longer in that area, no longer making huge impacts in the lives of others.
For one YW activity, we delivered huge heart shaped cookies packaged in decorated pizza boxes to the YW on our roster that did not come to church. One girl we visited began coming to church and YW activities. Her family then started attending again and they are now living their temple covenants and fully active in the church. Our ward was instrumental in that situation. I was instrumental in that situation!
I have loved living in Idaho the last year and a half but I have begun to feel that I am not making  difference. I know that these thoughts are not from our Heavenly Father! We are all daughters and sons of a loving Father. He knows us, he loves us, he needs us.

Let me share a quote by J.M. Braude.
“Whoever you are, there is some younger person who thinks you are perfect. There is some work that will never get done, unless you do it. There is someone who would miss you if you were gone. And there is a place that you alone can fill.”

This quote helps me realize that I am special. I am needed and make a difference. Even if it’s not broadcast of the whole world to see, I fill a place that only I can fill. We are all unique. We are all needed. 
Here is another quote that reiterates the fact that we are special and that we have a part to fill.

“Do you understand that you are needed in building the kingdom of God as is every other member? The Lord has need of you! Not only are you blessed with certain gifts of the Spirit, but you can channel their powers through your unique personality, experience, influence and preparation to aid you in performing important acts of service to mankind. No one else will ever see with your eyes, hear with your ears, discern with your understanding. no one else will ever be able to minister with your particular ability and sensitivity. If you are willing to develop these spiritual gifts and abilities and exercise humility and faith, the Lord and his angels stand read y to assist you in any way they can.”

I hope that we can all feel the reassurance from the Spirit that we are special and that we are needed. That we all have unique opportunities to serve no matter where we are. We may not be highlighted in a church training video but we do make a difference. I need to remember to check my pride and remember that service comes from a place of love for others and love for the gospel. May we all remember how important we are and fill the places that only we can.  


One comment

  1. Mad Runner says:

    I really enjoyed your post today and had some thoughts I wanted to share. Like Joseph, sometimes we aren't going to be doing what we thought we would (he thought he was going to preach the gospel but instead built graineries and counseled kings). We must do what we are called to do with a glad heart. We may not know what our purpose is but God does. I used a great quote in Gospel Doctrine today from Elder John A. Widtsoe (summarized) We agreed to a plan and we became parties to the salvation of every person under that plan. We went into partnership with the Lord, working out the plan did not just become the Father and the Savior's work but our work. The least of us is here to achieve the purpose of the eternal plan of salvation for each of us.

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