Welcome to the New Blog!! Wanna Win Some Stuff??

Welcome to the New Blog pic


Finally, it’s here–the new blog!   We’ve been working on the transition for more than a year and are tickled pink that it’s finally time to unveil our labor of love!  

When Mormon Mavens was first started back in 2011, it was with an army of  twelve recipe authors who just wanted to share their favorite recipes with the world.  Over the years, as different Mavens have come and gone, that number has steadily condensed.  And now, at the dawn of our 6th year of blogging, it’s an operation run by two sisters who enjoy it too much to quit!  We also want to broaden our horizons and take on some new projects here on the blog.  We’re excited to see what the future holds here at MM!

And to celebrate, we’d like to offer a wonderful giveaway–our biggest one yet!  

At this point, you’re like “blah, blah, blah” what can I win already?! 

Hold your horses!  Here you go…..

Main Giveaway Group

Embroidered Logo Apron with pockets, $50 Williams-Sonoma Gift Card, Set of 3 Stainless Steel Nesting Bowls, Set of 4 Melamine Tasting Spoons

You’re probably more excited about the $50 Williams-Sonoma Gift Card, right?  

Gift Card

But guess what?  We’re stupid-excited about the APRON!!!  I mean, come on, it’s got our flippin’ logo EMBROIDERED on it!  Isn’t it gorgeous???  Many thanks to Life’s A Stitch for the beautiful work!  And the apron’s got pockets–yasssssssss.

Apron Embroidery Closeup

Okay, okay.  Anyway, we couldn’t help but include some matchy-matchy items from World Market in this fun prize package as well.

Nesting Bowls


Tasting Spoons Closeup 

So what are you waiting for?  Get on down to that giveaway form and get your entries on!

Winner will be announced on September 13!

(Prize package will be shipped only to continental US; giveaway sponsored solely by Mormon Mavens)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

square social giveaway graphic


  1. Joy Gleason says:

    I haven’t followed your blog in a while, but I’m back with the new one. I followed you for about five years and then when google reader went away a lot of my blog following stopped. But Pinterest will keep me posted.

    • Julie says:

      Hi Joy! I used to use Google Reader and loved it. I don’t keep up with nearly as many blogs as I used to because of that. Welcome back!

  2. Emily Sandridge says:

    I’m SO SO SO happy that this blog is back and better than ever! I loved being a part of it years ago, and am excited to see where you guys take it!!

  3. Jennifer Georgeson says:

    I actually just wanted to tell you that on Pinterest, the link it sent me to was still Mormonmavens.blogspot.com. I’m excited to start following you guys though, and learn how to build a blog. Excited for the giveaway too! =)

    • Julie says:

      Jennifer….what link did you follow? Can you paste the url of the pin that you clicked on? I just clicked on one of the giveaway pins and it went to the new blog. All of our old pins currently point to the old blog until we can get the new urls in.

      • Jennifer Georgeson says:

        I just used the link from the giveaway entries itself that said “if you’re not following us already, follow us here on Pinterest.” But I went ahead and just followed some of your boards, and they should take me to the new site. It makes sense that your old pins go to your old blog, but it’s easy to re-direct with the big banner up on top.

    • Julie says:

      Sandra, thanks so much! Thanks for sticking with us–and thanks for sharing your blog url; I love finding new recipe sources!

  4. Anna Hiatt says:

    I don’t remember how long I’ve been following for, but I have loved following the blog!! I love food so it was the obvious choice to follow when I did!

  5. Savannah Page says:

    I’m so excited y’all are back! I’m not sure how long exactly I have been following. As soon as I saw it in followed!

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