Whole Grain Buckwheat Pancakes

I love breakfast.  Love it!  But when you’re trying to go dairy- and gluten-free, breakfast can be hard.  Well, hard if you’re like me and love carbs for breakfast.  Pancakes weren’t something I ate every morning but when they were gone, they were missed.  In the few months that I’ve been eating this way I’ve tried a few pancake recipes;  and they were okay.  When I found this recipe I really didn’t have high expectations.  And when I saw the batter, my expectations dropped even lower.  (Seriously, it looks like mud.  And don’t the pancakes look more like hamburger patties from a distance?)  But I was pleasantly surprised when I took my first bite.  So happy I decided to try these!

1 cup whole grain buckwheat flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 egg, separated
1 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 Tbsp. melted ghee
coconut oil for cooking

1.  In a medium bowl combine the dry ingredients (flour through cinnamon).  Whisk and set aside.
2.  In a smaller bowl, combine the milk, egg yolk, maple syrup, vanilla, and ghee.  Whisk well to combine.  Add this to the dry ingredients and stir well until just combined.
3.  In a small bowl, whisk the egg white until soft peaks form.  Fold this into the batter gently.
4.  Coat griddle at medium heat with coconut oil.  Pour batter onto griddle, forming 4″ cakes.  Cook until bubbles form on top and the edges are no longer shiny.  Then flip and cook on the other side until done.

Serve with maple syrup.  Like, the real stuff!

Makes 8 four-inch pancakes

Source:  mountainmamacooks.com (very slighly adapted)

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